Follows a dysfunctional family that has lost its Christmas spirit, but with some magic and body switching, they might be able to come together to...
Switched Up Christmas
While serving as a juror in a high profile murder trial, family man Justin Kemp finds himself struggling with a serious moral dilemma…one he...
Juror #2
'It's Alright Now' tells the story of how a childhood accident in 1968 changes the lives of three kids forever and creates an inseparable bond.
It's Alright Now
In this high school reunion movie turned inside out, filmmaker Cecilia Aldarondo relives her tortured adolescence, wondering if she remembered it all...
You Were My First Boyfriend
Set against the backdrop of sandlot baseball in the 1960s, a boy faces a group of neighborhood bullies and wins the heart of the girl of his dreams.
The Autumn Girl