The wedding of their youngest sister, Janet, brings Gwen and Kay home to St. John’s, Newfoundland. While Janet struggles to hide her...
Little Orphans
Eliza is an unassuming and beloved member of a small fishing community in Newfoundland who sees all of her relationships put in jeopardy after her...
Sweet Angel Baby
Kathy is a portrait of the most fascinating creature of all: the adult in training, the object of everyone's first affection, the teenage girl.
The morning after a drunken romp, Henry and Evelyn reveal that they have shared more than just a simple night.
A day in the life of a young man starting a career in in-office motivational speaking.
A comedy about a fairly neurotic fella waiting in his car for his new girlfriend as they make a 3 minute pit stop on their way to a movie, and all...
The Fourth Minute