When his over-protective parents pass away, friendless recluse John Cunliffe discovers their land to be extremely valuable, and he is forced to...
The story of barbaric murders committed in the midst of a rural community in Joyce Country, on the border between counties Galway and Mayo in 1882...
The Mám Trasna Murders
The Queen -v- Patrick O'Donnell reveals on screen for the first time the true story behind one of the most compelling murder plots in Irish history,...
The Queen v Patrick O'Donnell
An irreverent, modern, non-traditional re-telling of Ulysses, told rapidly by a succession of over 75 international actors. The film maintains the...
The Ulysses Project
An Emergency Services Operator in a Fire Control Room has just started a long night shift when she picks up a call from a desperate young mother. An...
A young musician with a tragic past is crippled in a car accident and given a chance at redemption when he is recruited by a violent, avant-garde...
A lonely, simple-minded barman's fleeting encounter in a rural Irish pub, with a difficult customer highlights his need for intimacy.
The Lucky Man