The story of a provincial woman named Vasfiye, whose life passed changing hands and drifting between men in Aegean towns, is told by different...
Her Name Is Vasfiye
Serap is a successful theater actress. Although she rejects the traditional roles assigned to women in her personal life, she agrees to play the role...
Aaahh Belinda
A civil servant in a small town, shunned by his family and his friends due to his lack of ambition, hits the jackpot in the national lottery. Not...
A teenager who is brave and naive from Black Sea region, ends in jail during the World War 2 time. The movie tells about the story of this teenager.
72. Koğuş
Afife Jale
A confused script writer takes refuge in the ruins of a Byzantine church at a remote village while looking for locations for his next film.
Night Journey
Sade Vatandaş Şvayk Hitler'e Karşı