Directed by Akay Mason and written by Abosi Ogba, the film captures a love story that happens amidst one of the most unforgettable moments in human...
Love In A Pandemic
A meeting with the family lawyer causes chaos for the Thompson family, with betrayal, infidelity and lies leading to bloody consequences.
Weather for Two
In the heart of Nnewi in Anambra State, genial billionaire, Afamefuna Okoli, and his radiant wife Amaka, throw a lavish funeral party for Afam's...
Áfàméfùnà: An Nwa Boi Story
'L.I.F.E.' intertwines the tales of Ema, an advertising professional yearning to fulfill her childhood dream of becoming a dancer, and Yinka, a...
When a wealthy and flamboyant pastor discovers that his new favorite stripper is his church’s worship leader, he begins an affair with her that...
Ijakumo: The Born Again Stripper
Yo-yo finds a perfect, affordable mansion to solve her traffic problems, but it comes with a haunting twist—the ghost of Efosa, a businessman...
Casa De Novia