The film revolves around a group of young people, living in a popular area and suffer from poverty and unemployment, and after a series of events...
Chivalrous Boys
Salah is a shy guy who spends his time spying on his neighbour's promiscuous encounters from his window. One day, he gets shocked when he witnesses...
Mind Your Own Business
A band of thieves get together and begin planning the heist of a lifetime. Will they succeed or will their planning be in vain?
Theif Prank
An adventurous girl whose father dies and his manager takes over his wealth, as her cousin and his friend try to chase the man and get back the...
Gang 16
A down-to-earth, struggling taxi driver (Ramzi) discovers, by sheer chance, that his country's constitution grants him a share in the nation's entire...
I Want My Right
A Poor young man is suddenly gets involved in a murder, then he is sentenced to death. He hides in the form of a Filipina maid.
Never Crossed My Mind
The film's events revolve around Khaled, who supports a family of three after his father's death and works as a taxi driver. His life is turned...
the clandestine