Love Fool
Set in the late 1980s, this family drama is about an 11-year-old boy who befriends his landlord, nicknamed Old Fox, and learns from him how to...
Old Fox
Eugenie just broke up with her boyfriend Deven, who is in the military service. However, Eugenie cannot overcome it. She still keeps the letters and...
Jin is in her 60s. Her husband gone, her concern is for daughter Zuer, in New York trying out IVF with her partner Michelle. When Jin receives news...
Daughter's Daughter
Shu-wei is an unpopular student who is a constant target for the school bullies, but he ends up joining forces with them when they encounter two...
Mon Mon Mon Monsters
Dragon Lee struggles with living with his five beautiful, talented, and incredibly strict older sisters. With the transfer of a new girl, Meng, to...
How to Train Our Dragon
An idealistic cop joins an underground police unit and battles ghoulish forces threatening the balance between the human and the supernatural realms.
The 9th Precinct
Ah-Lun, who has a choice to make in the underworld, decides to be a god of love in Chinese mythology. As he advances with his tasks on Earth, his...
Till We Meet Again