This new adventure of the brothers-in-law begins with the appearance of a corpse right in the middle of the Tui international bridge. This fact comes...
The film brings together the winners of the first edition of the Argentine National Film Board's (INCAA) annual public script competition, the grand...
Historias Breves 1
A la diestra del cielo
The story of a boy who lives in a humble neighborhood and has problems with a police commissioner. The backdrop is the Argentine crisis experienced...
Historias Breves I: Ojos de fuego
The film centres on Moncho and his coming-of-age experience in Galicia in 1936. Moncho develops a close relationship with his teacher Don Gregorio...
La furia
Brothers-in-law, Eduardo and Sabonis, married to sisters Cuca and Peque Ribeiro, have made a real mess of one of their business ventures and are in...