This short satirical film takes us to Stereoville, a city where citizens must literally double up in their efforts to deal with the community’s...
Twice Upon a Time
This lively satire uses animation and a pseudo-documentary style to depict Canada's search for a national identity. The National Scream explains,...
La fièvre du castor
A Québécois Elvis impersonator is disillusioned to find a Chinaman participating in an Elvis contest. He later takes his wife on...
Elvis Gratton
Four very different Montreal university teachers gather at a rambling country house to prepare a dinner. Remy (married), Claude (a homosexual),...
The Decline of the American Empire
Pierre is a Montreal photojournalist who returns from Nicaragua to find that his ten-year menage a trois is over. Haunted by his mid-life crisis, he...
Straight for the Heart