Al-Tartanji's comic play "Al-Tartanqi" presented its successful performances in a number of Gulf cities, and presented three shows during the Dubai...
A comedy play that deals with some Gulf social problems, and presents the suffering of Arab and Gulf youth in a comedic framework with some...
The schmuck in London
The play imitates the Kuwaiti and Gulf society at the moment, and it has the agent of architecture, Abu Sarah, who takes care of people's affairs and...
Bu sara fil imara
A Kuwaiti comedy play starring Taariq Al-'Ali, Khalid Al-Beraiki, Shihaab Hajiah and others
The Guardian is the Thief
The events of the play take place in the house of a family consisting of the husband of and the wife of and three children, where the father and...
Kharba Kharba
A Comedy Play Starring Tareq Al Ali
Heart For Sale
هذا هو الكويتي
Bakhit and Bakhita
توتا و القردة شيتا