Mat Tudung Begins tells the story of a boy named Johari who works in a hotel. The Hotel where he works will receive the arrival of the Forbest jury...
Mat Tudung Begins
When Hafiz`s mother is kidnapped, the only thing that can help him save her is a RM100 note that his late father left him - which contains clues that...
A discovery of Penanggal by Julie Ahli Majlis, Milah Tepen, Halim Pekak, Ucop and Budin on one night has become a big fuss and hot topic. Mak Teh...
Penanggal Mak Kiah
film adaptation of the biography "Zaiton: Ceritaku". The film tells the life story of primadonna Zaiton Sameon, whose name used to be a household...
Zaiton: Ceritaku
Kahwin Kahwin
A serial killer chose the victim based on a traffic violation. A policeman is trying to stop and unravel the motives behind everything.
Azrul's fortune is due to his wife's legacy. Azrul abandoned his children, Fatihah and Faris, after marrying Liyana. Fatihah and Faris have been...
Peninggalan Arwah