A young man, convinced of his paternity, aims to emulate his notorious father by committing daring crimes. However, his childhood friend is equally...
Sinful Davey
The story of Frieda, a young girl growing up in strife-torn late 1960's Derry, and her attempts to have a normal adolescence despite the violence...
After 68
Saturday night in Dublin, and to hell with Sunday morning. As the young bloods line up on the edge of the dance floor for the pulling ritual, Mick...
The Pale Faced Girl
An executive, passed over for a promotion, sends an angry letter to his bosses while in Ireland. Learning he's up for a better job, he rushes to...
Never Put It in Writing
An American insurance executive, who sees his wife and children die when a plane crashes into their vacation cottage on the Irish coast, uncovers a...
Cry of the Innocent
Ireland 1587. Hugh O'Donnell inherits the title of The O'Donnell, the prince of Donegal, and tries to unite Ireland to make war on England. But then...
The Fighting Prince of Donegal
Friel contrasts Gar's cloistered emotional life with his gregarious social persona by portraying him as two distinct characters, a public self (Donal...
Philadelphia, Here I Come