Since his beloved violin was broken, Nasser-Ali Khan, one of the most renowned musicians of his day, has lost all taste for life. Finding no...
Chicken with Plums
Arthur is a young person from geek culture, having grown up with cell phones, video games and Facebook. One day he will fall ill, with a fever that...
In the heart of Morvan, Nico, the last vet in the area, struggles to save his patients, his clinic, and his family. When Michel, his partner and...
The Vets
A woman, accidentally caught in a dark deal, turns the tables on her captors and transforms into a merciless warrior evolved beyond human logic.
Romain, in his thirties, has just been dumped by his boyfriend. Lonely and romantic, he tries a dating app and will make two surprising encounters in...
Beautiful Stranger
1957, Ossau Valley, Pyrenees, France. Pierre reaches the summer pasture with his dog and his flock of ewes. He is afraid of the wolf but he isn't...
Alice is a victim of sexual abuse, and like many victims, lived in silence for years, ashamed, tortured by guilt, afraid to reveal the truth. When...
Not a Word
With only 12 percent of its pupils obtaining their baccalaureate, Jules Ferry High School is the worst school in France. The Inspector of Schools has...
Serial Teachers