Somewhat based on Desmond Morris's fascinating book of pop anthropology, this partially animated satirical docudrama produced by Playboy Magazine...
The Naked Ape
Naive, but brash and sultry teenage runaway Bonnie finds herself lost and adrift in America. The lovely young lass runs afoul of a colorful array of...
Underworld king Lee Lother has been killed aboard a ocean liner, several people could have been the murderer. There is his mistress Anya Roysen, a...
Transatlantic Merry-Go-Round
After his wife is raped, a man struggles to find ways to express the anger and helplessness which the crime has instilled in him.
The Other Victim
Bruce, the owner of an aerospace company, is infatuated with Jennifer and hires her to be his biographer so that he can be near her and win her...
The Glass Bottom Boat
Anti-war propaganda musical set on an ocean liner.
Sweet Surrender
Chautauqua manager Walter Hale and his loyal business manager struggle to keep their traveling troupe together in small town America.
The Trouble with Girls
A rich stockbroker buys a Nevada ghost town as a community for people who need a second chance in life.
Second Chance
Joe Lightcloud persuades his Congressman to give him 20 heifers and a prize bull so he and his father, Charlie, can prove that the Navajos can...
Stay Away, Joe
Aviation disaster-prone Joe Patroni must contend with nuclear missiles, the French Air Force and the threat of the plane splitting in two over the...
The Concorde... Airport '79
Jolted out of his self-pity by a friend who teaches him to ski, a wounded Vietnam vet comes to look on his double amputation not as a "handicap" but...
Just a Little Inconvenience