This film by Yannick Bacher tells the passion of brothers Frédéric and François Nicole for climbing. Through the sites of...
The Nicole Brothers, Born To Climb
Boulders in Valais presents the canton of Valais in Switzerland, its bouldering climbing spots and some of its historical and current actors and...
Des Blocs En Valais
PURE is 19 extraordinary climbers in six countries on three continents; Nalle Hukkataival: This young climber from Finland spent his time on the...
Bouldering in the Cederberg, South Africa
Diamonds in the Rough
If you like Swiss chocolate and enjoy climbing, you will love this film. Showcasing footage from some of Switzerland most prominent bouldering areas,...
Better Than Chocolate
Masters of Stone III - Third stone from the sun
CORE goes to the heart of climbing. Join an international cast of the sport's most dedicated athletes as they stick it when it matters most. Shot in...
Roc'n Wall 97