In a large house in Salvador lives a family: Hercules, Julia, two of the couple's nephews, Hercules' father-in-law, and two maids. Hercules is a...
O Anjo Negro
The memories of Guiga, from early childhood to young adulthood: his family, relatives, friends, fears, dreams and reality in a still provincial city...
I Remember
Bené spent many years looking for his spiritual evolution in a small country town. He has made great progress and is fully integrated into the...
Abaixo a Gravidade
Joana Angélica
Schizophrenic tramp performs outrageous acts in the streets of Salvador, and in the end tries to fulfill his ultimate dream: to fly over the city, as...
In Pau Brasil, a small, lost village in the heart of Brazil, the families of Joaquim and Nives live side by side. Despite living in the same perverse...
Pau Brasil
Jardim das Folhas Sagradas