This film, which events happened between 1924 and 1934, portrays the struggle of three young Tunisian friends who became true myths in the Tunisian...
Habib and his 15 year old son Ahmed from his previous marriage, are brought together by Habib’s worsening state of health. Habib’s...
A new cinematic vision puts the psychological and social disintegration of family relationships under the microscope. The decline of human feelings...
Thursday Evening
Beginning of January 2011, during the Tunisian revolution, Mohamed, a political prisoner, escapes from jail and returns to his native town Thala. He...
Thala My Love
When Mariam, a young Tunisian woman, is raped by police officers after leaving a party, she is propelled into a harrowing night in which she must...
Beauty and the Dogs
In late 2013, Zina and Djo, both in their twenties, come back to Tunisia from the Syrian front where they were sequestrated and raped. Zina was...
The Scarecrows
While Mehdi is torn between his secret gay affair and the perspective of getting married, his sister Hind struggles to face her present and to reveal...
In Tunis lives Aya, a smart little girl, with her Salafist parents. But one day a special event disrupts the life of this family.