Set in a remote village in Malabar, the film portrays the struggles of a young Muslim woman and her family who is ostracised by society for...
The film revolves around an eight-year old called Ryan Philip and his adventures with a magical pen called the Monkey Pen.
Philips and the Monkey Pen
Alby is an autorickshaw driver. His wife is Meera. They pin all their hopes on their only son Jerry. Rasool, Tinu, and Malu are close friends of...
"Homely Meals" is an entertainer starring Atlee Srindha Ashab, Manoj K. Jayan, Nedumudi Venu, Kailash, Sudheer Karamana, Joju, Neeraj Madhav and...
Homely Meals
Jilebi is the down-to-earth story about a sour-sweet confrontation between a village youngster Sreekuttan and his city-bred nephewsSreekuttan, is a...
The film, which revolves around the story of a 10-year-old boy named Ben, played by Gaurav Menon, shows how adults address major issues of our...
Jagannathan, a political advisor, is hired to help John, a politician in California. He employs various shrewd tactics to help John's party win the...
Umesh, a loafer, leaves his home town and goes to Chennai to become a film-maker when his father asks him to manage their grocery store. A selfie...
Oru Vadakkan Selfie
Aana Mayil Ottakam is an anthology film. This is not really very common in Malayalam industry. But this concept is going on since ages and even...
Aana Mayil Ottakam
Set against the backdrop of 1971 Indo-Pak war, the movie is inspired by real incidents and the protagonists are inspired by Param Vir Chakra...
1971: Beyond Borders
2016 Malayalam Movie Three friends live in a room in a rented house owned by a politician. In another part of this rented house, comes a Bengali...
Appuram Bengal Ippuram Thiruvithamkoor
Aaron a young blind boy from Fort Kochi aspires to become a cricketer. In order to realize his dream, he joins the Indian Cricket team for the blind...
Happy Journey
The movie begins with a glimpse in the life of Unni and his friends, where they enjoy their serene village life. The locale boasts of open paddy...
Uthaman and Jentry, who folloow Aalimammookka, a kind and helpful soul who loves the village and village folk. Both Uthaman and Jentry have a...
Chakkara Maavin Kombathu
When John Paul, a wedding photographer, meets Jessy for the first time, he instantly finds himself attracted to her. His crush eventually turns into...
Kuttanadan Marpappa is a Malayalam movie starring Sreejith Ravi and Gaurav Menon in prominent roles. It is a drama directed by Arun Nischal, with Rajesh...