Vagabunda is the story of young girl (Flor), well aware about her seductive skills, who arrives from an unknown place into a small town in Verazcruz...
Dentro de la noche
Set ten years after the finale's quintuple wedding, the special portrays the happily reunited San Román family, including four new...
La Madrastra: Años después
Four different director contribute a segment to this horror anthology.
Appointment with Death
A retired union leader runs a restaurant by the highway with the help of his wife and his young son. One day a wounded criminal, his lover and his...
In The MIddle of Nowhere
The story of a young man who lives alone in his house, and his indifference and solitude with the world around him.
Quartet for the End of Time
Investigating the murder of a drag, the journalist Heriberto Camargo discovers that the crime is part of a plot of police killings attributed to a...
El Último Cuerpo
On the day of his first communion, the boy Honorato is orphaned because the mafia murders his parents. Before dying, the father recommends that the...
Imperio de los Malditos