Handoko, a successful businessman in Batam, hopes that his son Ferry can continue to manage his company, Handoko sends Ferry to a well-known high...
True Heart
Wisnu is a student with a duty to make a documentary film-themed casual sex. The main source, of course, is his friend accomplished in terms of sex,...
Cintaku Selamanya
Set in early 20th century Bali, the king of Tabanan is killed, but his daughter, Gusti Ayu Pandansari, survives. She is hidden and raised in a...
Noesa Penida (Pelangi Kasih Pandansari)
Too caught up with their work, high school teenager Tasia and her sister, Sandra, are rebelling against their parents. Fortunately, the teacher,...
Love is But a Fragment of Lies
Naga Bonar appointed himself as a commander of troops and fought against the Dutch. However, on the other hand, he fell in love with Kirana who sided...
Nagabonar Reborn
Rafli, Atika, and Saskia are three friends struggling to develop a music career in Jakarta. They later find a producer who manages to make them...
Cinta di Balik Noda