In the late 19th century, a young woman moves to Amsterdam with her family and tries to make a living. Preyed upon by various men, she nonetheless...
Katie Tippel
A bored company owner decides to find out what it is like to be one of his workers. During his "transformation" he falls in love with a cafeteria...
High Heels, Real Love
Alle dagen feest
In 1811, hilarity ensues when a corrupt Dutch colonel mistakes a quack dentist for one of Napoleon's inspectors general.
De boezemvriend
The lives of Erik Lanshof and five of his closest friends take different paths when the German army invades the Netherlands in 1940: fight and...
Soldier of Orange
This show is a TV adaptation of Jasperina de Jongs second theater show. The show contains songs about abortion, about revolving flowers, about a man...
Jasperina de Jong: Jasperina's Grote Ego-trip
After her mother -- a prostitute -- is murdered by her father, Sien is raised by her grandparents. Instead of a bourgeois life with grocer's son...
Rooie Sien