Variety of documentary-style works of Issei Sagawa featuring comedy duo Bakushō Mondai. Including a segment where reporters have Issei Sagawa...
Sagawa-Kuns Week
2023年版 漫才 爆笑問題のツーショット
A solo manzai live stage "Bakusho problem two-shot", which was originally shot by Bakusho problem. Summarize the events of 2022 with over 60 minutes...
2022年版 漫才 爆笑問題のツーショット
Rintaro directs a tale of three children who visit a land of wonder. This is the first "3D anime" that Madhouse has produced. Oh, and there are...
Yona Yona Penguin
漫才協会 THE MOVIE 舞台の上の懲りない面々
2024年版 漫才 爆笑問題のツーショット