Set on carrying out her task with dedication, a woman is obsessed with watching over anonymous interiors and occupying them. Both a custodian of the...
Mademoiselle Kenopsia
In a city infested with the LIVING-IMPAIRED aka non-cannibal zombies - three slackers after easy money must fight small-time crooks and an evil...
We Are Zombies
In a countryside house where they are meant to explore the troubles in their sexuality, three women spend days and nights apprehending their inner...
That Kind of Summer
A communication firm's personal narrator project goes off the rails when a strange transmittable anomaly forces the narrators to reveal publicly...
Celebrated European actor Sophie Bernard is in Montreal shooting a movie, and she's taking the opportunity to visit her gay son Thomas in the hope of...
March 12, 2020. COVID-19 has just been declared a global pandemic, confinement measures are being implemented all across the world. Fanny, Samuel,...
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