The story of a blind dervish named Bab'Aziz and his spirited granddaughter, Ishtar. Together they wander the desert in search of a great reunion of...
Young Hamed, arrested for handing out political tracts banned by the Islamic Republic, finds himself in a place of great suffering, in which...
Hunting for interesting elements for a play, a photographer meets an old man, who has just had a heart attack He tries to save the man's life. In an...
Pomegranate and Cane
Between the years 1941-51, many immigrants went to the south of Iran to work for the oil companies there. A couple, Tal'at and Karamat also go there...
The Immigrants
As Abdollah prepares to get married to his long-time love, he hears calls for help during his wedding and leaves the ceremony for an adventure to...
The Fateful Day
An Iranian actor named Akbar is trying to become a serious actor instead of the clown everyone considers him to be. However financial problems force...
The Actor
The Shadow of Imagination
During the Second World War and the occupation of Iran by the Allied army, Dr. Rastan goes to Ih Qashqai to treat his sister's husband. There, he is...
Eye of the Hurricane
A theater directed by Rasoul Najafian
Two Ducks in the Fog