"Kunlun Ruins" tells the story that Zhang Wenfeng, a descendant of the Faqiu lineage, had to embark on a vicious tomb journey with his partners Jia...
The Legend of Kunlun
Mankind is forced to live underground after a giant alien descends upon our planet. After spending years below, a team of braves a finally ready to...
Earth Rescue Day
Five hundred years ago Monkey King made a riot in the Heavenly Palace, accidentally kicking over the sky stove and causing the Heavenly Fire to fall...
The Journey to The West: Demon's Child
Lord of Darkness Artha was born from human struggle and resentment. In ancient times he formed an army of undead to conquer the world. At the moment...
The Sword
Criminal investigator Shen Ke encountered continuous disappearance cases. Under the guidance of Captain Liu Ling investigator one by one to crack the...
Life and Death
The girl Jiang Yifei and rich boyfriend Du Chen inadvertently broke into the spider island to play, but was attacked by giant spiders. The two fought...
Crazy Spider
Yin Shiniang finally gives birth after an unusual pregnancy lasting three years and eight months. Suddenly, Shi Ji the snake spirit appears,...
Nezha Conquers the Dragon King
Some years ago director Ke Lei and his screenwriter Muse were star tandem but now they parted ways. After being suspected, beaten, ridiculed, and...
My Days as a Director Miaoyi Director
The movie tells the story of Chang'an City, which was instantly flooded by a sudden dense fog, and the people panicked and fled everywhere. The...
Fog Monster from Chang'an