Early film adaptation of Gottfried Keller's well-known novella as a silent film. The plot revolves around a journeyman tailor who is thrown out by...
Kleider machen Leute
Carl Michael Ziehrers Märchen aus Alt-Wien
A British playboy in Paris marries a dancer and convinces her to give up her career to move to a small cottage in the country. One night at a party...
Red Heels
Velbloud uchem jehly
Die Pratermizzi
Liebe im Mai
In this romance, a banker's daughter suddenly breaks off her engagement on her wedding day. She then meets a man who believes in easy money. He sees...
Money on the Street
Ten years after the end of World War I, Austrian soldier Franz leaves Russia and returns to his village, where he is reunited with Frieda, a woman...
The Great Love
Buchhalter Schnabel
The Cruel Girlfriend