When a deadly religious cult begins weaponizing demonic entities, it's up to a band of church funded mercenaries to take them down before they...
The Woodmen follows three individuals who find themselves in a fight for their lives as they attempt to escape from a clan of feral humans that call...
The Woodmen
A faux-documentary host investigates weird lights, A.I. robots, aliens, and strange happenings in Montgomery County, Texas.
Lights Over Montgomery County
Presented as a double feature, Split Screen follows a computer hacker releasing two films pulled from the darkest corners of the Internet: The...
Split Screen
Benny goes on the search for his missing twin sister and ends up in Abbeville, a small town with dark secrets and a witch named Huggin Molly...
Huggin Molly
A paranormal team decipher through scary videos while on their own investigation.
Urban Nightmares : A Found Footage Anthology
In 2022, filmmaker Dillon Brown set out with Green Beret and wilderness survival expert, Michael Rock, to document an attempt to find a missing...
Tahoe Joe
A horror film based on the humanoid creature reportedly seen in the Point Pleasant area from November 1966 to December 1967
Apocalypse Mothman
A found footage horror film from the world of "Split Screen" (2023).
Untitled Footage
After a popular social media influencer goes missing in the Tahoe National Forest, filmmakers Michael Rock and Dillon Brown set out on a rescue...
Tahoe Joe 2: The Sierra Nevada Bigfoot Conspiracy