A black comedy set in a working-class Dublin hair salon where the stylists become accidental vigilantes and community heroes as they take on the gang...
Deadly Cuts
JJ, grieving the loss of her grandmother, jumps at the chance to join a new friend, Henrik, on a trip to Norway to discover her grandmother’s...
My Norwegian Holiday
Twenty-something Alan (Gleeson) is down on his luck. Stood up at the altar and recently fired from his banking job, he finds himself working with his...
Vinny and Lauryn fall for each other but their future together is threatened by their present.
Join Jason on a chemically enhanced trip through the streets of Dublin as he stumbles from one misguided adventure to another. Somewhere between the...
Dublin Oldschool
Bringing together one of the world’s great classic plays with one of Ireland’s greatest writers, Druid present Tom Murphy’s version...
The Cherry Orchard
Struggling to provide her daughters with a safe, happy home, Sandra decides to build one - from scratch. Using all her ingenuity to make her...
When a gloomy, God-fearing island community is rocked by the assault of an infant, a psychiatrist is called in to examine Dorothy Mills, the teenager...
Dorothy Mills