A mysterious diver hiding in Amsterdam's canal system embarks on a rampage of gruesome murders, terrifying city officials and leaving few clues for...
Four girls discover a primitive hidden village where everybody falls asleep and all children are gone.
De pakjesboot vertrekt zonder Sinterklaas. Sinterklaas moet in een race tegen de klok de pakjesboot inhalen, het opnemen tegen boeven en zorgen dat...
Sinterklaas en de Verdwenen Pakjesboot
Elk jaar levert het weer problemen op om alle pakjes in november per boot van Spanje naar Nederland te krijgen. Daarom heeft Sinterklaas een...
Sinterklaas en het Pakjes Mysterie
When Joris (Martijn Nellestijn) and Boris (Richard de Ruijter) of a notary is an important but mysterious heirloom in hands, the duo goes in search...
Joris and Boris
Dark and brooding thriller. A group of mercenaries are assembled in Amsterdam by a British intelligence officer. Believing they are awaiting the...
The Nightwatch
Danny is a student that barely gets any attention at home because his mother is mentally ill. At school however, he is very popular and known as a...
The Petes run against a modern problem. Most of the chimneys have disappeared and many houses are now protected by an alarm. The poor Petes are...
Sinterklaas en het raadsel van 5 december
While sketching one day, 13 year old Jo encounters a mysterious art dealer who buys a few of her drawings and commissions her to do some more. Some...
Vincent and me
Een Hoofdstuk Apart