In a surreal universe where bananas fire laser beams and soup cans are used as grenades, a wacky cast of gangsters are thrown into a deadly game to...
Defying an ancient curse, a group of occultists steal thirteen sacred relics from the tomb of Prince Horus-Kan in order to feed their supernatural...
Rage of the Mummy
A disturbing mystery lurks on a old backwoods farm brought to new light when a traveling camera team arrives... seeking the one and only Hans...
Hans Crippleton: Talk to the Hans
After being abducted by a psychopath, a husband is subjected to three horrific tales of terror while his family is held captive in an attached cargo...
Terror Tales
Join Lucy as she embarks on a spiritual journey to Mars in this psychedelic short film full of music and mischief.
Close-Up: an odyssey
A boy is haunted by his recently dead grandmother, who had some very dark secrets.