The film follows the trial of Croatian terrorists Zvonimir Pospišil, Mijo Kralj and Ivan Rajić, accomplices of the Bulgarian assassin...
Bullets Over Marseille
A Bromantic Comedy about Bonding, Betting, and Belgrade. While waiting for the end of the football match they were betting on, three best friends...
Don't Bet on the Brits
Ringeraja is a movie about two brothers, Ringe and Raja. One of them is a criminal, while the other one is a graduate student - two different worlds....
Ring a Ring o' Roses
The 1990s were the most turbulent period after World War II in the region, and caused many dramatic situations. Cities were destroyed, blood...
Widowed mother is trying to hold on to her son and doughter, although they need to grow up. In this funny story, mother successfully turns down men,...
I Think the World of You
Mr. Stojanovic got his first aid kit stolen... Petar is smoking out the window of his rented room... Mr. Ivanovic has a hearing problem... Luka and...
Emergency Exit
A film based on Bosko Tokin, a director of the first Serbian avant-garde film.
The Great Tram Robbery