The story centers on CHEN Wei and her daughter, seeking refuge from CHEN Wei’s violent husband in the Butterfly Mansion, known for its eerie...
Them, Behind the Door
The story revolves around a blind music student who excels at piano but faces hardships due to his disability, and an aspiring dancer who works at a...
Touch of the Light
A provocative erotic drama about a Japanese food delivery man, a Taiwanese prostitute and a Filipino cleaner who are swept up by their insatiable...
In the Morning of La Petite Mort
The Will to Power
A cold, hard-nosed lawyer, Zhang, discovers that his past client, Tang, is involved in yet another case of sexual assault. Thirteen years ago, Zhang...
Fantasy · World
This short by Tsai Ming-liang, completed in 2021, was filmed at "the Dune" in Yilan, Taiwan, where the eight films in his Walker series were being...
Three students from Jing Mu Girls’ Middle School go missing and turn up dead. Xiao Tong, a special education student with speech impairment,...
A Place Called Silence
Having lost all his money in the stock market, a depressed man falls in love with a woman over a suicide helpline.
Help Me, Eros
Dragon Eye Congee tells the story of a second-generation Taiwanese American, Shaun Tam, who, since childhood, has repeatedly dreamt about the same...
Dragon Eye Congee: A Dream of Love
When Molly commits suicide, her mother uses technology to relive her experiences and investigate why she died.
The Last Day of Molly
Short film from Taiwan.
The North-Ming Fish
Bus Stop, Love Stayed
What is a mature relationship? How many types of family structures are there? Age, Class, Gender and Survival continue to distort the facets of...
The Island That All Flow By
Tsai Ming-Liang, the artisan of cinematography approaches virtual reality, pushing the boundaries of VR film. The Deserted stripped away traditional...
The Deserted
As the actress arrived, everything about the movie, about the life of director and actress, and about the affection between professor and his...
Is LIFE a Movie
Three key events during three different time periods, in three seasons, and on three nights culminate to change the life of Zhang Dong Ling.
Cities of Last Things
Fisherman Ah-Hai is found dead from self-immolation during a large-scale protest against TL Petrochemical. The incident instantly makes media...
High Flash
A film about the tormenting presence of absence. A young shop girl named Xiao Mei suddenly vanishes from her usual existence, without explanation or...
Xiao Mei
2012 film
The Moonlight in Jilin
A family of four fractures under the weight of unmet expectations, unexpected tragedy, and uncompromising pride.
A Sun
Talking with my Boyfriend's Ex