The story follows a young scientist in the contemporary world, who actually came from the world of dwarves, thanks to a magic potion, held by the Big...
King Size
A little devil appears in a small town, seemingly terrorising its inhabitants, but actually turns out to be a friendly creature when it helps a...
Bliskie spotkania z wesołym diabłem
Adaptation of novel by Eliza Orzeszkowa. The film is set in 1886 in Lithuania, is spins around a conflict between Bohatyrowicz family and aristocrat...
Nad Niemnem
A sequel to "Vabank" (1981), introduces the same characters entangled in a duel between a former safecracker and a crooked bank manager.
Vabank II
October 1934. Poland. Famous bank robber Kwinto decided to quit his dangerous criminal job, but after his friend's death, he changed his mind and...
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