This film tells the story of a semi modern Iranian couple, who are trying to fight the old beliefs and old generation. This is a failing battle...
Unruled Paper is a 2002 Iranian film directed by Naser Taghva'i, based on an original script by Naser Taghva'i and Minoo Farsh'chi. The film was...
Unruled Paper
A young woman's wedding becomes a ritual of mourning when her sister and family die in an auto accident on the way to the wedding. The sisters'...
An Iranian TV-play adaptation of Agatha Christie's The Mousetrap.
The Mousetrap
Norooz's family convince him to sell the old house in order to build a new modern house, but building of the apartment takes long and he runs out of...
The Ruined House
My Ideal Spouse
Naser Khavari and his fiancee ...
An Iranian TV-play adaptation of Christopher Marlowe's Doctor Faustus.
Doctor Faustus
Masoud wants to leave his wife Parvaneh and their daughter and go to Europe. But before that they going on a trip to see some of their relatives. In...
Malihe, was emotionally impacted of aphasia in childhood is lost and the needs nerve to be reminded of the past seizures. The abused children, the...
Little Bird of Happiness
Behind the scenes of the movie "Unruled Paper (2002)"
After the silence