In 1962, the young pianist, John Ogdon wins international success in Moscow and embarks on a whirlwind career. Ten years later he suffers the onset...
This lighthearted romp through Royal India presents a world of Maharajas, palaces, imperiled art objects, and the foreign collectors who will stop at...
Hullabaloo Over Georgie and Bonnie's Pictures
Annie, a single mother who is devoted to her son Charlie, starts a relationship with Mack. The problems start when Mack asks Annie and Charlie to...
The Only Boy for Me
Following the banning and burning of his novel, "The Rainbow," D.H. Lawrence and his wife, Frieda, move to the United States, and then to Mexico....
Priest of Love
The ‘Beaux’: Mr Aimwell and Mr Archer, two charming, dissolute young men who have blown their fortunes in giddy London. Shamed and...
National Theatre Live: The Beaux Stratagem