Set within a dystopian world that is a collision between technology and humanity, "Reboot" touches upon many of the current social and political...
"Good Business Sense" is a short comedy film about how business sometimes gets in the way of romance.
Good Business Sense
A film directed by Wendy Bott and Tom Dorfmeister.
Robbie's Brother
A very stressed young woman is dismayed to find herself behaving like her own mother, with whom she has an extremely combative relationship.
The Maginot Line
Six strangers find themselves trapped in a New York City subway by Mac, a mysterious man who claims to be a demon hunter. Insisting one of them is...
The Hunter's Anthology - The Demon Hunter
It's prom season again in Sherman Valley, Ohio, the biggest event of the year. But this time something's different. The school's only known lesbian...
After a break-up with his long time girlfriend, Charles explores parts of his sexuality that he never allowed himself to explore before.
In a dying 1950s town, a mysterious traveler propositions a young farmhand, Donnie, to help take down the town's tyrannical leader in exchange for...
Two robbers flee from a robbery into a neighborhood where they seek safety. Spotting two guys arriving to a house, the robbers pull into the driveway...
Into the Flames
An actor is paid by a tenacious woman to act as her boyfriend at her boss' retirement party, however his actual girlfriend's presence at the event...
Brutal Affairs