After his daughters untimely kidnapping, a distraught detective must reunite with his estranged partner to catch the most notorious serial killer of...
In 1972, the conflict in Vietnam continues. The creeping threat of communism grips the nation in fear. In an abandoned prison on the US/Mexican...
A Lonely Place for Dying
Years after an alien invasion nearly extinguished the human race, three soldiers who survived on a secret moon base are sent to Earth to liberate the...
Killjoy is back in the fourth installment of the demonic clown series. This time Killjoy is being accused of not being evil, since he let one of his...
Killjoy Goes to Hell
Balthazar Blake is a master sorcerer in modern-day Manhattan trying to defend the city from his arch-nemesis, Maxim Horvath. Balthazar can't do it...
The Sorcerer's Apprentice