Anna, a young woman, mistakenly detained during a raid, becomes a victim of fake news. Amala, a doctor, who is facing cyber harassment, stands with...
The film tells the story of Gowri, an elderly woman living in an old age home, who decides to leave with Shivan, a caretaker. Their journey together...
Jananam 1947 Pranayam Thudarunnu
Janazah is the story of a fantastical journey to death of the eighty-year-old, Gandharvan Haji. When he travels at night in the same deathbed where...
After facing rough times in life, Nandini, a resilient and tough woman returns to Law College to finish her education. She finds solace in new...
Anandapuram Diaries
An ordinary suburban girl faces the biggest battle of her life when her sudden disappearance for a brief period leads to a desperate search by her...
Dr. Rajeev and his wife SUJATA come from Dubai to participate in the last rituals of Sujata's friend and ex love affair who was a Sufi. The events...
Sufiyum Sujatayum
Manoharan is a poster artist struggling to find respect for his profession, after the advent of printing technology. He tries hard to get into the...
Puzhikkadakan is a 2019 Indian Malayalam-language romantic drama directed by newcomer Gireesh Nair and starring Chemban Vinod Jose and Dhanya...
When Stephen, a road construction supervisor, visits Kavantha, an enigmatic yet beautiful mountainside village, he uncovers a series of heartwarming...
Am Ah