A once devoted family man, who has fallen into the depths of alcoholism and homelessness after a tragic accident took the life of a daughter, longs...
The Redemption
After relocating his family - and his prized restored Sherman tank - to a small Georgia town, Sargeant Major Zack Carey butts heads with the local...
When Dale Hartwell's best friend gets killed, he swears revenge on the bloodthirsty promoter and fighter who did it.
Fists of Iron
When an American plantation owner's wife and her sister interrupt an African death ritual to save the sacrificial goat, the witch doctor places a...
Curse III: Blood Sacrifice
Mike Yarnell is a burnt out cop, who is being investigated by internal affairs. When he begins taking out his frustration on his wife, she turns to...
Illicit Behavior
Anson Williams and Jayne Kennedy play host to celebrities who compete against one another at video games to win money for charity.
Battle of the Video Games
After his friend is caught and killed by some drug dealers, a former commander of special forces search revenge.
Silent Fury
Maverick Cop John Bloodstone is taken off suspension to ferry a Mob Boss into custody. But all is not what it seems.....
Prime Target
A young couple from Milwaukee moves into the fabled, high-society Malibu beach community and becomes involved with the lives of the various people...