When a man is released from prison for his involvement in a white nationalist gang, he begins to uncover the truth behind his troubled past with...
British Made
Four young thrill-seeking friends book a horror-themed camping excursion led by Darwin, a strange and eccentric guide, who one night encourages them...
After the murder of her husband, Amanda relocates with her daughter, Karli, and purchases a hotel in the countryside. Their fresh start is...
The Stranger
Wheelchair user Angel joins an eco-commune in search of a more meaningful existence, though bumping into an old flame means she gets more than she...
Pyramid of Disunion
In the dead of night, Charlotte, a young girl, appears at Roy's doorstep, fleeing from her abusive father. Despite a few too many drinks, Roy...
A mother Susan struggles with the daily reality of losing her husband Paul, who was fighting in Afghanistan. Despite her suffering and further...
On Christmas Eve, an innocent couple become hosts to a malicious entity. Throughout the night they terrorise a family of five in unimaginably violent...
A girl with vitiligo finds an unlikely friend in the school's talking goldfish, and orchestrates a jailbreak.