A sequel to Maid in Malacañang. The film explores the assassination of Ninoy Aquino on August 21, 1983, three years before the events of Maid...
Martyr or Murderer
A musical-drama film about the struggles of common people who became victims of Martial Law in the '70s. Based on the 2016 musical play of the same...
“Mommy Issues” revolves around Ella (Pokwang), a hardworking single mother who has devoted her life for her only daughter Katya (Sue)....
Mommy Issues
Krissha Viaje and Jerome Ponce, both having jet lag with the whole 'Safe Skies, Archer' journey, give us a rundown of fun, kilig and kulit special...
Jasmine Curtis-Smith, Diego Loyzaga and Jerome Ponce star in this love story about a woman’s pursuit for comfort in virtual dating to make up...
A Glimpse of Forever
A group of high school students who are spending the night in a old mansion. When they learn that the house is haunted they set to look out for...
Haunted Mansion
The most-listened local artists join together for an evening filled with music that melts hearts. Let the serenades of Adie, Rob Deniel, Rhodessa,...
ILYSM...A Valentine Harana Concert
To save her family from being homeless and her father suffering from a heart condition, Mayen desperately agrees to take the offer of a Chinese...
The Ghost Bride
In a pivotal stage of their youth, four exuberant college sophomores face personal challenges that will affect the rest of their lives.
A group of friends dare each other to stay in a haunted house.
Love in the time of hyperthymesia.
Finding You
A "barkada" of five–Kurt, Ma-an, Denzel, Hadji, and Junamae experiences the various faces of adulting in a world that seems to be losing faith...
The Generation That Gave Up on Love
A bartender and a domestic helper of Filipino origin living in Hong Kong find themselves falling in love, but they each have different plans for...
Hello, Love, Goodbye