An intimate journey into the lives of three men, three Singapore actors, as they share, revealingly, their personal lives. An exploration into the...
A young European actress has just arrived in Singapore and already wants to leave it. The promise of a new world of opportunities has faded away and...
Artificial Melodrama
Hafen der Düfte
Opening with a nostalgic karaoke repertoire, Everybody Wins the Lottery delves into the dynamics of a Singaporean family as they deal with the...
Everybody Wins the Lottery
Two tigers are separated as cubs and taken into captivity, only to be reunited years later as enemies by an explorer (Pearce) who inadvertently...
Two Brothers
Yang Ke, a Beijing Opera actor, is fatefully driven into the underworld of masculine sex workers, and becomes a class of his own. He finds himself on...
Thirty Years of Adonis