Discovered at a young age, the shy, squeaky-voiced Michel'le was plucked straight from South Central, Los Angeles and catapulted into the spotlight...
Surviving Compton: Dre, Suge and Michel'le
A diverse cast, delves into a gripping tale of mistaken identity amid a crime-ridden town.
Bullets, Brothers and Blood
When a code that could save the world is secretly injected into a member of the 5 Elements clan, the fate of humanity and the world become...
Immortal Combat the Code
The secret team of assassins, the Shadows, are put to the test in an ultimate game of survival.
Assassin's Game
In the future... Revenge has no limit... Set in the year 2050 when pollution, and viruses are rampant and people need to wear masks to be able to...
Wu Lin: The Society