The film follows a young man, A Xi who is recently released from prison. Once released, he seeks out his old girlfriend Li Xin who has since begun a...
Weekend Lover
After getting out of prison, small-time crook Mardar stumbles upon a woman who looks exactly like his long-lost lover, who he attempted to kidnap 3...
Suzhou River
A young performance artist decides to make his own suicide his last work of art. On the longest day of the year, he plans to melt a huge block of ice...
An actor becomes increasingly introverted and psychotic and his entire family attempts to intervene.
Mei de you huo
Su Wei's summer between high school and college
Xia ri de qi dai
Wo xiang you ge jia
In this experimental play, He Yunqing is a Go master who has played chess all his life
Qi ren
In Cantonese. Directed by Yang Fengliang.
A Woman from North Shaanxi
A Beijing bus driver is in love with a ticket-taker, but she becomes pregnant by a Singapore student.
Good Morning Beijing
The Case of the Silver Snake
Mengyu wants to go straight after inheriting his father's crime empire but evil police Captain Zhang pressures him to continue the criminal...
Black Fire
After Shi Ba -- a privileged youth turned con artist -- meets a fetching dancer named Yu Jing, he decides to go straight and leave his life of crime...
Chinese short film directed by Zhang Yang. A young man running in Beijing ’s Hutong (Huang Jue) overhears the phone of a woman at the table in...
Tracing Revelation
Three Daring Daughters
A story about four orphans after the Tangshan earthquake.
Wild Heart
A film by Li Ziyu.
A Mysterious Couple