Follows the lives of four different people, each linked to the other by the house of business. Olivia, owner of the establishment, yearns for her...
The Pawnshop
In the eerie halls of a mysterious hospital, doctors practice voodoo and dead bodies wander in the night.
A homeless family and their neighbors in the city of Manila are plagued by attacks from a Manananggal. A little boy named Teks suspects a nun working...
The Nun
SYNOPSIS. Fidel (Paolo Contis) is a fresh culinary arts graduate from a Swiss school, working as an under-chef in a casino restaurant in Macau. Fidel...
Batang X is a 1995 Filipino film released under Regal Films. The film is about 5 children with superhuman abilities who get kidnapped by the alien...
Three unrelated stories of horror include: a substitute teacher who preys on a small school; neighborhood children being abducted by a tree-dwelling...
Shake, Rattle & Roll IV
In three tales of extreme horror, a young couple hires a mysterious nanny for their baby; a a young woman discovers that her sister has been dead and...
Shake, Rattle & Roll III
Valentina, Darna's snake-haired arch enemy, is trying to take over the Phillipines through subliminal messages on religious TV shows. Darna has her...
Darna: The Return