A drama between people under unconventional circumstances. In the Second World War Finland was the only nation who brought casualties...
Juha is 38 years old and has three small children and a depressed wife. He sees himself as strong and believes a man should provide for his family....
Man's Job
A comedy about a chaotic morning in a family with kids, and a mother who is determined that it's best to take care of everything herself.
Do I Have to Take Care of Everything?
16-year-old Eveliina accidentally sees her mother kissing another woman. Fearing her parents' divorce, she decides to intervene, by any means and...
The lifelong friendship between the two game developers begins to fray as one longs for nostalgia of her youth, and the other for marriage and a life...
The Worst Idea Ever
Summer 1962 and Olli Mäki has a shot at the world championship title in featherweight boxing. From the Finnish countryside to the bright lights...
The Happiest Day in the Life of Olli Mäki
The story of Kari Tapio, who sang his way into the hearts of the Finns in the 70's and whose popularity lasted until his death in 2010.
King of Hearts
Armi Ratia is the woman behind the legendary design company Marimekko and a worldwide celebrity. A theatre company has taken on the task of trying to...
Armi Alive!
Helsinki, 1945. The end of the war brings a new sense of artistic and social freedom for painter Tove Jansson. While focusing her artistic dreams on...
Princess tells the true story of former cabaret dancer Anna Lappalainen's redemptive struggle with insanity, who checked in to Finland's Kellokoski...
The life of a heroine. The life and work of Hella Wuolijoki. A poet, spy and millionaire, she turned into an internationally acclaimed businesswoman,...
Hella W