Eight college students become trapped in an Annual Haunted House when an ancient spell turns them into their Halloween costumes. By night's end, a...
Hallow's End
Calvin is a young novelist who achieved phenomenal success early in his career but is now struggling with his writing – as well as his romantic...
Ruby Sparks
A drunken joyride turns tragic when a group of college kids accidentally run over a schoolgirl. Desperate to cover up the accident, they dismember...
We All Fall Down
When Brian meets Amy after a night out on the town, things move a lot faster than he'd anticipated.
They Grow Up So Fast
“The Mascot”, tells the story of an out of work mascot’s spiraling identity crisis.
The Mascot
It is present day in Arkham Heights, a seemingly desolate town that has decayed much since the eighties. Renny Meeks is a lonely, mentally challenged...
A man discovers his unwitting participation in a bank robbery across a series of increasingly incriminating (and hilarious) answering machine...
The Accomplice
A guilt-ridden, but well-intentioned, yuppie goes to great lengths to prove she is a decent person.
When an inexperienced park ranger finds a dead body under mysterious circumstances on a remote mountain trail, she must guard it overnight until...
Body at Brighton Rock
Angela is throwing a decadent Halloween party at New Orleans' infamous Broussard Mansion. But after the police break up the festivities, Maddie and a...
Night of the Demons
Four desperate bank robbers are forced to abandon their lucrative heist plans and become the reluctant heroes when two of their hostages turn out to...
Living & Dying
Ten stories from horror's top directors. Ghosts, ghouls, monsters, and the devil delight in terrorizing unsuspecting residents of a suburban...
Tales of Halloween