Directed by Frank Lin this movie tells the story of a group of talented but financially struggling B-Boys that join an underground fighting ring in...
Battle B-Boy
When Master Tak, an old martial arts master, disappears, his best student, Jet, steps in to find him. However, when he learns that Tak's life is in...
The Master
Two thieves rob a large fancy house when the owner is away. But when a visitor mistakes them for the owner, and they find out about a casting party...
A mother fear that her daughter has been abducted when a phone call is interrupted by something suspicious
A Mother's Sacrifice
Three scouts and lifelong friends join forces with one badass cocktail waitress to become the world’s most unlikely team of heroes. When their...
Scouts Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse
Bob is coming to terms with his unsuccessful attempts at becoming an actor when he is bitten by a vampire named Susan - the daughter of a crazed...
The Hunted
Quinn Forte had it all: power, money, a brother who idolized him, and a woman who loved him. He also had enemies. In the course of one night, he...
Blood of Redemption
Two deranged and homicidal escaped convicts terrorize a group of teenagers engaged in a paint-ball war.
Born Killer