After moving to a retirement community, loner Martha eventually befriends her fun-loving neighbor, Sheryl, and forms a cheerleading club for...
A suburban divorcée masquerades as her teenage daughter in a twisted attempt to make the dance squad at a local high school.
Blood, Sweat and Cheer
This film follows a retired Border Patrol agent (Dante) as he discovers the possible existence of Bigfoot and the shroud of darkness that surrounds...
Bigfoot: The Conspiracy
Ready for a night of legendary partying, three college students must weigh the pros and cons of calling the police when faced with an unexpected...
A burned-out pop star looks for an escape from his oppressive management team when his estranged, maniacal brother kidnaps him into a radical plot to...
Neon Bleed
Delve into the timeless realm of Shakespearean tragedy with 'Brief Candle,' a feature film revolving around a high school production of Macbeth that...
Brief Candle
An unfortunate chain of events forces Milton Young to give up his dream of playing professional baseball and return home to the town he fought hard...
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