A naive young lady comes to the big city but is unfortunately befriended by a couple who probably are up to no good. However, she is unaware of this...
The Call of the City
"Vanity Fair" is a historical drama, based on the classic English novel written by William Thackeray, featuring Shirley Mason. Shirley Mason was 15...
Vanity Fair
The father of a working class family is having trouble finding a job, because the local textile mill is hiring only inexpensive child labor....
Children Who Labor
This western, with its simple story set in a gold mining camp, recycles many of the elements found in David Belasco's influential play, THE GIRL OF...
At Bear Track Gulch
An irritable man meets a boy in the woods, and gets a change of attitude.
One Touch of Nature
When a burglar dressed as Santa Claus steals a family's Christmas presents, amateur detective Octavius sets out to recover the loot.
The Adventure of the Wrong Santa Claus
A romantic comedy about two lovers; the parents of the girl forbid them from being together.
When She Was About Sixteen
Edison short about a happy couple about to be married, but the guy's carelessness at their workplace leads to tragedy.
The Crime of Carelessness
Felix, the King of Wallonia, has to marry Louise, Princess of the neighboring State of Trebizond. The old Prince, her father, craves the elixir of...
When Love Is King